egyptian civilization

The Grate Egyptian Civilization and culture 

Egyptian civilization Ancient Egypt was an ancient egyptian civilization  of Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. Egyptian civilization associate around 3150 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under  first pharaoh. The history of ancient Egypt and egyptian civilization occurred in a series of stable Kingdoms, separated by periods of relative instability known as Intermediate Periods: the Old Kingdom of the Early Bronze Age, the Middle Kingdom of the Middle Bronze Age and New Kingdom of the Late Bronze Age. Egypt reached the pinnacle of its power during the New Kingdom, in the Ramesside period, after that it was entered a period of slow decline. Egypt was invaded or conquered by a succession of foreign powers (such as the Libyans, Nubians, Assyria, Babylonia, Persian rule and Macedonia) in the Third Intermediate Period of the Egypt and Late Period. In the aftermath of Alexander the Great's death, one of his generals, Ptolemy Soter, established himself as a new ruler of Egypt. This Ptolemaic Dynasty ruled Egypt until 30 BC, and when it fell to the Roman Empire and became a Roman province..

The success and heritage of ancient Egyptian civilization came partly from its ability to adapt to the conditions of the Nile River Valley. Theconscientious flooding and controlled irrigation of the fertile valley produced surplus crops, which fueled social development and culture. With the resources to spare, the administration sponsored mineral exploitation of the valley and surrounding desert regions, the early development of an independent writing system, the organization of collective construction and agricultural projects, trade with surrounding regions, and the military intended to a overthrow foreign enemies and assert Egyptian dominance. Motivating and organizing these activities was a authority of elite scribes, religious leaders, and administrators under the control of a Pharaoh who was ensured the cooperation and unity among the  Egyptian people in the context of an elaborate system of religious beliefs.
The many achievements of the ancient Egyptians and egyptian civilization include the quarrying, surveying and construction techniques that facilitated the building of impressive pyramids, temples, and obelisks; a system of mathematics, a practical and the grate effective system of medicine, irrigation systems and agricultural production techniques, the first known ships, Egyptian faience and glass technology, new forms of literature, and a earliest known peace treaty with the Hittites. Egypt left a lasting legacy. Its art and architecture were widely copied, and its antiquities carried off to far corners of the  world. Its monumental detritus have inspired the imaginations of travellers and to the writers for centuries. A new-found respect for classical times and excavations in the early modern period led to the scientific investigation of Egyptian civilization and a greater appreciation of its cultural legacy.

Ancient Egypt and egyptian civilization -- a land of mysteries. No other civilization in the world has so captured the imagination of scholars and laypeople alike. Mystery surrounds its origins, its religion and its monumental architecture: colossal temples, pyramids and the enormous Sphinx. The Egyptian pyramids are the most famous of all the ancient monuments, the only remaining grate wonder of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

Beliefs in the divine and in the afterlife were ingrained in ancient Egyptian civilization from its inception; pharaonic rule was based on the divine right of kings. The Egyptian pantheon was populated by gods who had supernatural powers and were called on for  protection and help. However, the gods were not always viewed as charitable, and Egyptians believed they had to be appeased with offerings and prayers. The structure of this pantheon changed continually as the new deities were promoted in the hierarchy, but priests made no effort to organize the diverse and sometimes the conflicting myths and stories into a coherent system. These various conceptions of divinity were not considered  as  contradictory but rather than  layers in the multiple facets of reality.

  •  This Egytian civilization took place in the eastern part of North Africa along the lower parts of the Nile river.
  • This Egytiancivilization happened at around 3150 BC
  • Furthermore, the availability of very powerful kings in Egypt played a key role in contributing to egyptian civilization. One of these kings is the first pharaoh who was the ultimate source of control in the Egypt.
  • The Egyptian civilization was also affected by the country’s geographical features. First, the country has the world’s longest river running across it
  • Egyptian civilization faced a lot and lots of challenges based on geographical factors
  • Another limitation to this Egyptian civilization is the dry climate since Egypt is a desert
  • The question of the origin of Egyptian civilization lies on the fact that the Egyptians civilized themselves. However, the civilization borrowed some ideas from the neighboring civilizations such as Greek and Mesopotamia (David 94)
  • Besides, Egyptian civilization had a lot of reactions with other civilization at separate times and times.
  • The spirit of trade among the Egyptians was another economic basis on the Egyptian civilization. In the past, where Egyptians traded with people from foreign countries, for example the Nubian and the Palestinians
  • The Egyptian civilization was also enhanced by the people’s culture that is so characteristic compared to other civilizations.

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