Monday, 28 January 2013

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt is one of the oldest civilization in world. Ancient Egypt is located in the northern part of the Africa. From this area one of the world's oldest civilizations was grew. To the north of Egypt is  Mediterranean Sea. To the east of Egypt is Red Sea. Farmers are first settled in Ancient Egypt along with the Nile River around 5000 B.C. The Nile River flows into Mediterranean Sea from the south. In Ancient Egypt will have  little rainfall. Without  Nile River, the area would be entirely thick desert. Before modern dams were built the Nile River would flood each of year.
In Ancient Egypt floods usually began in June and ended in the month of  October. These floods would bring thick, rich mud from the mountains of the central Africa. The mud would spread over the river banks creating a fertile ground for  early Egyptians to grow their crops.
The people in Ancient Egypt divided Egypt into two areas. Ancient Egypt "Red Land" and second is Ancient Egypt "Black Land".

In Ancient Egypt Two kingdoms are developed along the Nile River. The kingdom in the Lower Egypt was called the red crown and the one is in Upper Egypt which was known as  white crown. In about 3200 B. C. the pharaoh of the north conquered the south and Egypt became the  united. The pharaoh's name was King Narmer or Menes.  Menes didn't try to change people in Upper and the Lower Egypt. He allowed 2 separate tribes to keep their own special gods and traditions. He founded the 1st capital of Egypt where the 2nd lands met. It was called Memphis. No more wars were fought for hundreds of the years.

This pharaoh is wearing the combined crowns or double crown of  Upper and the Lower Egypt. The front is  rounded crown of the Upper Egypt and the flat high backed portion is crown of the Lower Egypt.

One of the reasons that Ancient Egyptians were able to develop an advanced civilization is because they were surrounded by the full of deserts. This kept invaders out. With the rich deposits of the Nile River, the sunny weather, and the well organized government, the Egyptian people were able to make  good living with only the small portion of their day. This gave them time to invent writing, build the irrigation systems, and build magnificent pyramids within 2000 years.

Click this link or  video to watch the Ancient Egypt

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