Friday, 25 January 2013

ancient egypt gods

Ancient Egypt Gods and Goddesses 

There are huge number of  Ancient Egypt Gods in the egyptian civilization  Some of the Ancient Egypt Gods are mentioned below.

Ancient Egypt Gods with letter A
AMUN (AMEN, AMON) :great god of  the Thebes of uncertain origin; represented as the man, sometimes ithyphallic; identified with the Re as Amen-Re; sacred animals, the ram and the goose.
ANAT : goddess of Syrian origin, with the warlike character; represented as a woman holding a shield and an axe.
ANUBIS (ANPU): the jackal-god, patron of the embalmers; the great necropolis-god.
ANUKIS (ANQET): goddess of  cataract-region at Aswan; wife of grate Khnum; represented as a woman with a high feather head-dress.
ARSAPHES (HERISHEF): ram-headed god from Heracleopolis.
ASTARTE: goddess of Syrian origin; introduced into Egypt during  Eighteenth Dynasty.
ATEN: god of a sun-disk, worshipped as the great creator-god by Akhenaten.
ATUM (TUM): the original sun-god of the Heliopolis, later identified with the Re; represented as a man.

Ancient Egypt Gods with letter B
BASTET (BAST): the cat-goddess whose cult-centre was at the Bubastis in Delta; in the Late Period regarded as a beneficent deity.
BES: the dwarf-deity with leonine features; a domestic  god, protector against snakes and various terrors; helper of women in child-birth.

Ancient Egypt Gods with letter E
EDJO (WADJET, BUTO):  cobra-goddess of Buto in Delta; tutelary deity of  Lower Egypt, appearing on the royal diadem, protecting the king.

Ancient Egypt Gods with letter G
GEB:  the earth-god; husband of the Nut; member of  ennead of Heliopolis; represented as a man.

Ancient Egypt Gods with letter H
HAPY: the god of  Nile in inundation; represented as  man with the full, heavy breasts, a clump of papyrus on his head, and bearing heavily laden offering-tables.
HAROERIS: a form of Horus,  ‘Elder Horus’; identified with falcon-god and particularly the patron of the king.
HARPOCRATES (HOR-PA-KHRED): Horus-the-Child, a late form of Horus in his aspect of being son of  the Isis and Osiris; represented as  naked child wearing lock of youth and the holding one finger to his mouth.
HARSIESIS: a form of Horus, he specifically designated son of ‘Isis’.
HATHOR: the goddess of many functions and attributes; represented often as a cow or a cow-headed woman, or as  woman with horned head-dress;  suckler of the king; the ‘Golden One’; cult-centres at Memphis, Cusae, Gebelein, Dendera;  patron deity of the mining-region of Sinai; identified by Greeks with Aphrodite.
HAT-MEHIT: fish-goddess of Mendes in  Delta; sometimes represented as a woman with a fish on her head.
HEQET: the frog-goddess of Antinoopolis where she was associated with the Khnum; a helper of women in child-birth.
HORUS: the falcon-deity, originally sky-god, identified with  king during his lifetime; also regarded as the son of Osiris and Isis, for former of whom he became the avenger; cult-centres in many places, e.g. Behdet in the Delta, Hierakonpolis and Edfu in Upper Egypt. See also, Haroeris, Harpocrates, Harsiesis, Re-Harakhty.

Ancient Egypt Gods with letter N
NUT: the sky-goddess, wife of Geb, the earth-god; represented as a woman, her naked body curved to form the arch of heaven.

Ancient Egypt Gods with letter O
ONURIS (ANHUR): god of This in Upper Egypt; the divine huntsman; represented as a man.
OSIRIS (ASAR): the god of the underworld, identified as the dead king; also a god of the inundation and vegetation; represented as a mummified king; principal cult-centre, Abydos.

Ancient Egypt Gods with letter P
PTAH: creator-god of Memphis, represented as a man, mummiform, possibly originally as a statue; the patron god of craftsmen; equated by the Greeks with Hephaestus.
PTAH-SEKER-OSIRIS: a composite deity, incorporating the principal gods of creation, death, and after-life; represented like Osiris as a mummified king.

Ancient Egypt Gods with letter R
QADESH: goddess of Syrian origin, often represented as a woman standing on a lion’s back.
RE (RA): the sun-god of Heliopolis; head of the great ennead, supreme judge; often linked with other gods aspiring to universality, e.g. Amen-Re, Sobk-Re; represented as falcon-headed.
RE-HARAKHTY: a god in the form of a falcon, embodying the characteristics of Re and Horus (here called ‘Horus of the Horizon’).
RENENUTET (ERNUTET, THERMUTHIS),:The goddess of the harvest and fertility; represented as a snake or a snake-headed woman.
RESHEF (RESHPU): The god of war and the thunder, of Syrian origin.

Ancient Egypt Gods with letter S
SAKHMET: a lion-headed goddess worshipped in the area of Memphis; wife of Ptah; regarded as the bringer of destruction to the enemies of Re.
SARAPIS: a god introduced into Egypt in the Ptolemaic Period having the characteristics of Egyptian (Osiris) and Greek (Zeus) gods; represented as a bearded man wearing the modius head-dress.
SATIS (SATET): The goddess of the Island of Siheil in the Cataract-region; represented as a woman wearing the white crown with antelope horns; the daughter of Khnum and Anukis.
SELKIS (SELKIT, SERQET),:  scorpion-goddess, identified with the scorching heat of  sun; one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses, guarding coffins and the Canopic jars; shown sometimes as a woman with a scorpion on her head.
SESHAT: Goddess of the  writing; the divine keeper of royal annals; represented as a woman.
SETH (SET, SUTEKH),:God of the storms and violence; identified with many animals, including the pig, ass, okapi, and hippopotamus; represented as an animal of the unidentified type; brother of Osiris and his murderer; the rival of Horus; equated by the Greeks with Typhon.
SHU: God of air; with Tefnut, forming the first pair of the gods in the Heliopolitan ennead; shown often as a man separating Nut (sky) from Geb (earth).
SOBK (SEBEK, SUCHOS),: A crocodile-god, worshipped throughout the Egypt, but especially in the Faiyum, and at Gebelein and Kom Ombo in Upper Egypt.
SOKARIS (SOKAR, SEKER),: a falcon-headed god of the necropolis; cult-centre in the Memphis.
SOPDU: ancient falcon-god of Saft el-Henna in the Delta; a warrior-god, protector of  eastern frontier; represented often as a Asiatic warrior.
SOTHIS (SEPDET): The dog-star Sirius, deified as the goddess; shown as a woman with a star on her head.SOTHIS (SEPDET)

Ancient Egypt Gods with letter T
TATJENEN: Primeval earth-god of Memphis; later identified with the Ptah.
TEFNUT:Goddess of moisture; with the Shu forming the first pair of the Heliopolitan ennead.
THOERIS (TAURT, TAWERET),: hippopotamus-goddess; a beneficent deity, the patron of woman in child-birth.
THOTH: the ibis-headed god of the Hermopolis; the scribe of gods and the inventor of writing; the ape as well as the ibis being sacred to him.

Ancient Egypt Gods with letter U
UNNEFER (WENEN-NEFER, ONNOPHRIS),: the name meaning ‘he who is continually happy’, given to Osiris after his resurrection.
WEPWAWET (UPUAUT):  jackal-god of Asyut in Middle Egypt; a god of necropolis and an avenger of Osiris.

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