Ancient Egypt Gods and Goddesses
There are huge number of Ancient Egypt Gods in the egyptian civilization Some of the Ancient Egypt Gods are mentioned below.Ancient Egypt Gods with letter A
AMUN (AMEN, AMON) :great god of the Thebes of uncertain origin; represented as the man, sometimes ithyphallic; identified with the Re as Amen-Re; sacred animals, the ram and the goose.
ANAT : goddess of Syrian origin, with the warlike character; represented as a woman holding a shield and an axe.
ANUBIS (ANPU): the jackal-god, patron of the embalmers; the great necropolis-god.
ANUKIS (ANQET): goddess of cataract-region at Aswan; wife of grate Khnum; represented as a woman with a high feather head-dress.
ARSAPHES (HERISHEF): ram-headed god from Heracleopolis.
ASTARTE: goddess of Syrian origin; introduced into Egypt during Eighteenth Dynasty.
ATEN: god of a sun-disk, worshipped as the great creator-god by Akhenaten.
ATUM (TUM): the original sun-god of the Heliopolis, later identified with the Re; represented as a man.
Ancient Egypt Gods with letter B
BASTET (BAST): the cat-goddess whose cult-centre was at the Bubastis in Delta; in the Late Period regarded as a beneficent deity.
BES: the dwarf-deity with leonine features; a domestic god, protector against snakes and various terrors; helper of women in child-birth.
Ancient Egypt Gods with letter E
EDJO (WADJET, BUTO): cobra-goddess of Buto in Delta; tutelary deity of Lower Egypt, appearing on the royal diadem, protecting the king.
Ancient Egypt Gods with letter G
GEB: the earth-god; husband of the Nut; member of ennead of Heliopolis; represented as a man.
Ancient Egypt Gods with letter H
HAPY: the god of Nile in inundation; represented as man with the full, heavy breasts, a clump of papyrus on his head, and bearing heavily laden offering-tables.
HAROERIS: a form of Horus, ‘Elder Horus’; identified with falcon-god and particularly the patron of the king.
HARPOCRATES (HOR-PA-KHRED): Horus-the-Child, a late form of Horus in his aspect of being son of the Isis and Osiris; represented as naked child wearing lock of youth and the holding one finger to his mouth.
HARSIESIS: a form of Horus, he specifically designated son of ‘Isis’.
HATHOR: the goddess of many functions and attributes; represented often as a cow or a cow-headed woman, or as woman with horned head-dress; suckler of the king; the ‘Golden One’; cult-centres at Memphis, Cusae, Gebelein, Dendera; patron deity of the mining-region of Sinai; identified by Greeks with Aphrodite.
HAT-MEHIT: fish-goddess of Mendes in Delta; sometimes represented as a woman with a fish on her head.
HEQET: the frog-goddess of Antinoopolis where she was associated with the Khnum; a helper of women in child-birth.
HORUS: the falcon-deity, originally sky-god, identified with king during his lifetime; also regarded as the son of Osiris and Isis, for former of whom he became the avenger; cult-centres in many places, e.g. Behdet in the Delta, Hierakonpolis and Edfu in Upper Egypt. See also, Haroeris, Harpocrates, Harsiesis, Re-Harakhty.
Ancient Egypt Gods with letter N
NUT: the sky-goddess, wife of Geb, the earth-god; represented as a woman, her naked body curved to form the arch of heaven.
Ancient Egypt Gods with letter O
ONURIS (ANHUR): god of This in Upper Egypt; the divine huntsman; represented as a man.
OSIRIS (ASAR): the god of the underworld, identified as the dead king; also a god of the inundation and vegetation; represented as a mummified king; principal cult-centre, Abydos.
Ancient Egypt Gods with letter P
PTAH: creator-god of Memphis, represented as a man, mummiform, possibly originally as a statue; the patron god of craftsmen; equated by the Greeks with Hephaestus.
PTAH-SEKER-OSIRIS: a composite deity, incorporating the principal gods of creation, death, and after-life; represented like Osiris as a mummified king.
Ancient Egypt Gods with letter R
QADESH: goddess of Syrian origin, often represented as a woman standing on a lion’s back.
RE (RA): the sun-god of Heliopolis; head of the great ennead, supreme judge; often linked with other gods aspiring to universality, e.g. Amen-Re, Sobk-Re; represented as falcon-headed.
RE-HARAKHTY: a god in the form of a falcon, embodying the characteristics of Re and Horus (here called ‘Horus of the Horizon’).
RENENUTET (ERNUTET, THERMUTHIS),:The goddess of the harvest and fertility; represented as a snake or a snake-headed woman.
RESHEF (RESHPU): The god of war and the thunder, of Syrian origin.
Ancient Egypt Gods with letter S
SAKHMET: a lion-headed goddess worshipped in the area of Memphis; wife of Ptah; regarded as the bringer of destruction to the enemies of Re.
SARAPIS: a god introduced into Egypt in the Ptolemaic Period having the characteristics of Egyptian (Osiris) and Greek (Zeus) gods; represented as a bearded man wearing the modius head-dress.
SATIS (SATET): The goddess of the Island of Siheil in the Cataract-region; represented as a woman wearing the white crown with antelope horns; the daughter of Khnum and Anukis.
SELKIS (SELKIT, SERQET),: scorpion-goddess, identified with the scorching heat of sun; one of the four ‘protector’-goddesses, guarding coffins and the Canopic jars; shown sometimes as a woman with a scorpion on her head.
SESHAT: Goddess of the writing; the divine keeper of royal annals; represented as a woman.
SETH (SET, SUTEKH),:God of the storms and violence; identified with many animals, including the pig, ass, okapi, and hippopotamus; represented as an animal of the unidentified type; brother of Osiris and his murderer; the rival of Horus; equated by the Greeks with Typhon.
SHU: God of air; with Tefnut, forming the first pair of the gods in the Heliopolitan ennead; shown often as a man separating Nut (sky) from Geb (earth).
SOBK (SEBEK, SUCHOS),: A crocodile-god, worshipped throughout the Egypt, but especially in the Faiyum, and at Gebelein and Kom Ombo in Upper Egypt.
SOKARIS (SOKAR, SEKER),: a falcon-headed god of the necropolis; cult-centre in the Memphis.
SOPDU: ancient falcon-god of Saft el-Henna in the Delta; a warrior-god, protector of eastern frontier; represented often as a Asiatic warrior.
SOTHIS (SEPDET): The dog-star Sirius, deified as the goddess; shown as a woman with a star on her head.SOTHIS (SEPDET)
Ancient Egypt Gods with letter T
TATJENEN: Primeval earth-god of Memphis; later identified with the Ptah.
TEFNUT:Goddess of moisture; with the Shu forming the first pair of the Heliopolitan ennead.
THOERIS (TAURT, TAWERET),: hippopotamus-goddess; a beneficent deity, the patron of woman in child-birth.
THOTH: the ibis-headed god of the Hermopolis; the scribe of gods and the inventor of writing; the ape as well as the ibis being sacred to him.
Ancient Egypt Gods with letter U
UNNEFER (WENEN-NEFER, ONNOPHRIS),: the name meaning ‘he who is continually happy’, given to Osiris after his resurrection.
WEPWAWET (UPUAUT): jackal-god of Asyut in Middle Egypt; a god of necropolis and an avenger of Osiris.
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